Quantcast Vegetarian StarSteve Schirripa From “The Sopranos” Launches Vegan Organic Sauces

Steve Schirripa Uncle Steve's

Steve Schirripa, known for his role as Bobby Bacala on the hit HBO series The Sopranos, has launched a line of pasta sauces.

Uncle Steve’s Italian Specialities come in Marinara, Tomato Basil and Arrabiata.

All of vegan, USDA-certified organic, gluten-free, dairy-free and contain no GMOs, pesticides or added sugar.

Vegan lifestyle magazine VegNews had plans to try Steve’s sauces on a few of its favorite vegan dishes the moment it found out about it.

Staff at the publication received an advanced shipment and posted on Facebook that they planned to sample the Arrabiata over a bed of fettuccine.

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