Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Jessica Biel Wants SeaWorld Orcas Freed

Jessica Biel

“With the release of the documentary Blackfish and PETA’s educational campaign, the public now knows about the devastating effects of keeping orcas captive and closely confined at SeaWorld. Frustrated orcas like Tilikum have worn their teeth down to the nubs by chewing on their enclosures, their dorsal fins collapse, and they die prematurely, reject their young, and harm and kill humans. SeaWorld then tries to mask the orcas’psychosis with psychotropic drugs. As the public hears about this, ticket sales decline. When will SeaWorld develop a plan to move the orcas to a sea pen in a natural setting in line with public opinion?”

Jessica Biel, urging SeaWorld to consider releasing its orcas to a more natural environment.

Photo: Georges Biard/Creative Commons

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