Quantcast Vegetarian StarKelly Osbourne Reconsiders Poultry After Reading “Vogue” Article

Kelly Osbourne

Kelly Osbourne says an article in a popular fashion magazine has made her re-think whether chicken should still be in style.

The actress known for the popular MTV reality series that featured her famous rocker father Ozzy and the rest of the family read a story on increasing numbers of antibiotic resistant Urinary Tract Infections and the possible link between them and poultry.

The E. Coli strain found in chickens is very similar to the one found in UTIs that are hard to treat with antibiotics.

When the author of the Vogue article “Chicken Coup” cut chicken from her diet, the UTIs that had plagued her for years disappeared.

“And it’s not just full-grown chickens that are part of the problem, they’re injecting eggs with antibiotics too,” Osbourne said. “This can possibly lead to superbugs which can possibly lead to super bad UTI’s. Apparently these infections can lead to fatal complications like blood poisoning in some cases.”

The evidence is so convincing, Osbourne said she is “definitely reconsidering” poultry in her diet.

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