Quantcast Vegetarian StarPaul McCartney Does “Eat No Fish” PETA Ad For Good Friday

Paul McCartney PETA Fish

Paul McCartney has taken the opportunity to ask his fans to enjoy the Easter holiday without season without fish.

The day that Christians abstain from most meat, known as Good Friday, prompted McCartney to wear a t-shirt from the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals that reminds people fish are animals too.

McCartney has said previously:

“Many years ago, I was fishing, and as I was reeling in the poor fish, I realized, ‘I am killing him — all for the passing pleasure it brings me.’ And something inside me clicked, I realized as I watched him fight for breath that his life was as important to him as mine is to me.”

Studies have found that fish feel pain like land animals do.

And while eating sustainable fish may be better for the environment than consuming those that are endangered in the waters, seafood still carries the risk of toxins, such as mercury to those who ingest it.

Make it a Good Friday for planet and every living being that inhabits it by following McCartney’s lead.

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