Quantcast Vegetarian StarTricia Helfer Asks “Who Let The Cats Out?” In PETA Ad

Tricia Helfer Asks “Who Let The Cats Out?” In PETA Ad

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 11th, 2014 in Actresses, Animal Issues.

Tricia Helfer

Tricia Helfer is encouraging cat owners to bring their four-legged friends indoors!

In an ad for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Helfer holds a black cat in her arms who could probably be just as happy on the couch as he would on the lawn.

“An indoor cat is a healthy cat,” the ad reads.

Most people would never think of letting a dog roam freely around the neighborhood, and Helfer thinks the same should apply to cats.

There’s a debate among feline lovers over whether or not some cats make good indoor cats, outdoor cats or cats that love both environments (not to mention those indoor cats that sneak out occasionally).

Many cat owners have a hard time providing a safe place for their animal outside.

Cats outdoors are more likely to fall victim to diseases, animal predators, traffic accidents and, unfortunately, in the hands of some not so nice human individuals who aren’t so fond of them.

Even if your cat thinks like a wild outdoor one, it isn’t hard to keep him happy.

“All they need is a room with a view, plenty of playtime, healthy food, fresh water, a clean litterbox, veterinary care and lots and lots of love,” Helfer says.

Bring your kitty in so you can both watch the behind the scenes video with Helfer at PETA here.

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2 Responses to “Tricia Helfer Asks “Who Let The Cats Out?” In PETA Ad”

  1. Edee Says:

    This is silly to me, my parents live in the country and the cats go in and out as they wish, and if it’s closed and they want out, they let you know!! Plus outside no need for litter 😉 Yes they might get hit by a car or have a fight with other cats or dogs, but this is a ridiculous argument, you can say the same about kids or yourself, stay in and you’ll be safer than outside, but guess what, the life outside the house is also pretty interesting and cats seem to think so as well. That being said, if you live in a big city without a garden or in a small appartement things get tricky. It’s the case for me now so i don’t have pets, I know some cats are totally indoorsy, and i think it depends on what you got them used to…

  2. Edee Says:

    plus indoor cats have a tendency to be heavier (=/unealthy?) than cats that can go run and play outside