Quantcast Vegetarian StarSadie Calvano Loves Edible Smelling Lush Vegan Bath Bombs

Sadie Calvano

If you’re a hard-core vegan who double checks every label before you put anything into your body, why on Earth would you not do the same with what you put on it?

Sadie Calvano enjoys the life of luxury off-screen when she comes home every time she draws a warm bath with Lush vegan products.

The teenage Mom star told Just Jared Jr.:

“At the end of a day or work week, I like to unwind with a really good bath bomb, so I’m always looking for new and crazy, yummy bath bombs. Lush is a brand I love. They sell all-vegan bath bombs. I have really sensitive skin, and so they’re really great for me, and they smell so good you could just eat them.”

Vegan bath products are just as effective as conventional ones. They’re also often free of chemicals and preservatives like parabens that environmentalist have warned us to stay clear of.

And with natural plant-derived ingredients that often include herbs and fruits, some smell good enough to consume.

So lather up and inhale the relaxing and delicious aroma of any bottle you pick up while reading, relaxing or doing whatever you want in your home spa.

Just remember not to eat them.

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