Quantcast Vegetarian StarMark Malkoff Gets Ripped On Vegan Diet On “Good Morning America” (Video)

ABC US News | ABC Business News

Mark Malkoff joined the crew of Good Morning America to discuss the common question of whether or not you can gain significant muscle on a plant-based diet.

There are plenty of professional athletes who have demonstrated this, but can a skinny and otherwise non-traditionally athletic guy like Malkoff put on a six-pack after 30 days of grains and greens?

The comedian summoned the help of trainer Robert Brace to help him achieve this goal, proving it’s more than just the genes that allows triathletes like Brendan Brazier, Rich Roll and MMA fighter Jake Shields to stay on top of their competition.

“There’s so much misinformation out there about what’s possible on a vegan diet,” Brace said.

“It’s changing with the celebrities that have tried it and we wanted to see if it was possible,” he continued.

“And Mark did a fantastic job.”

See the results of the experiment yourself when Malkoff lifts his shirt to show off his post-vegan chest.

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