Quantcast Vegetarian StarJared Leto Celebrates Oscar Nomination With Vegan Pancakes

Jared Leto Celebrates Oscar Nomination With Vegan Pancakes

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 16th, 2014 in Actors, Food & Drink.

Jared Leto

How does Jared Leto celebrate an Oscar nomination?

With vegan pancakes, of course!

When asked by The Hollywood Reporter what he was going to do after hearing the news of his nomination for Best Supporting Actor in Dallas Buyers’ Club, Leto replied:

“I’m going back to bed and then wake up and make vegan pancakes.”

A tasty way to celebrate!

Leto received an award for the same film at the Golden Globes this past weekend.

If you want to learn how Leto makes vegan pancakes, check out this video of him here.

Photo: nicolas genin/Creative Commons

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