Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlyssa Milano Helps Rescue Dogs From South Korea

Alyssa Milano Helps Rescue Dogs From South Korea

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 14th, 2014 in Actresses, Animal Issues.

Alyssa Milano

Alyssa Milano has been a longtime vegetarian and animal lover, so it’s no surprise her kindness for 4-legged creatures extends well beyond the boundaries of the country she lives in.

The actress recently gave a warm welcome to some visitors from South Korea, and is helping a rescue dog call America its new home.

Milano assisted both the South Korean group CARE and The Fuzzy Pet Foundation in bringing the dog over and getting it proper veterinary care.

Milano said:

“They contacted me and said that they were trying to get that dog over here, and would I be willing to help, support, fund, whatever? And I said, ‘Of course!’ ”

Miley and Bomi, which is the Korean word for “Spring,” are currently in foster care awaiting for a lucky American to make it a part of their permanent home.

Photo: Tom Sorensen/Creative Commons

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