Quantcast Vegetarian StarRussell Simmons PETA Ad To D.C. Bus Riders–Get On Board With Vegan

Russell Simmons PETA DC

Riding the bus is already an eco-friendly way to get around, but hip hop business star Russell Simmons has proposed one more way for Washington, D.C. bus riders to help the environment and animals.

A series of ads are being displayed on the district’s buses featuring Simmons and his vegan message.

Vegan meals are a great way to eat toward better health, as plant-based diets are associated with lower risk of diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and heart disease.

It doesn’t hurt that vegan food is tasty.

Best of all, it’s abundant.

“Fortunately, delicious and affordable vegetarian meals such as veggie burgers are available everywhere, from supermarkets to chains such as Denny’s and Burger King,” Simmons said.

Get on board now –both on D.C. metro buses and the vegan train.

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