Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Debra Messing Green Elixir

The Juice Generation

Juicing is popular among many health enthusiasts, celebrities included.

A new book titled The Juice Generation, brings tips, advice, recipes and more from some of your favorite celebrities who always include a blender or mixer on the list of “must haves” backstage.

Actress Debra Messing admits she has just gotten on the juice bandwagon, but already feels great about it.

In the book, which is set for release on January 14, Messing writes:

“I am relatively new to juicing and I can honestly say the difference I feel is HUGE. Every morning on set I have my “green” drink, which is spinach, kale, cucumber, lemon, celery, and green apple. Sometimes I’ll add beets, and if I am under the weather I’ll add ginger.”

The Juice Generation is written by Eric Helms, founder of the popular juice bar in New York bearing the same name and contains a foreward by Selma Hayek.

Visit OK magazine for Messing’s Green Elixir.

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