Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Teen Mom” Farrah Abraham Daughter Sports Faux Fur (Video)

Dec 15, 2013 | Rockin Faux Fur (WinterTime) #VEGAN @Fashion @Celebritykids @KEEK by f1abraham on Keek.com

Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham has posted a video of her daughter professing her love for faux fur.

The clip shows Abraham’s daughter talking while Farrah can be heard in the background saying that she and her child both love faux fur because they are vegan.

Farrah’s daughter may have a better idea of what veganism is than she does, however.

The reality TV star has posted other videos of herself eating items like chicken and she mistakenly called a salad recipe with feta cheese vegan as well.

Children who grow up on plant-based diets can be just as healthy as those who consume animal products and may even be at a reduced likelihood of developing childhood and adult obesity.

Here’s to a healthier celebrity kid who proves cruelty-free can be good for humans and animals.

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