Quantcast Vegetarian StarSteve-O Has Superbowl Party Planned Perfectly — Down To Vegan Candy


You’ve got Thanksgiving to plan for and then Christmas.

Before you know it, Super Bowl Sunday will be here.

What vegan party foods will be scoring a touchdown for game day?

Steve-O already an idea of what he’d do to entertain.

He even knows what vegan candy to buy.

In a first in its series of “Ask a Comedian,” Fox Sports posed the following question to the former Jackass star:

You’re a vegan now.?? What does a vegan serve at a Super Bowl party?

Steve-O: I’d get that s— catered by Chipotle and have a ton of veggie burritos! There’d also be hummus platters all around and Sour Patch Kids everywhere. Sour Patch Kids are vegan. And maybe even some popcorn and pickles.

Being a restaurant chain that tries to use organic and local ingredients when possible, Chipotle is kind to the conscious foodie. Just remember to only ask for black beans in those veggie burritos as the pintos are still seasoned with pork.

For more vegan candy suggestions, visit here.

Photo: Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons

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