Quantcast Vegetarian StarLea Michele Of “Glee” Visits “Top Chef” For Halloween Party

Lea Michele Top Chef

Lea Michele visited the crew on Bravo’s Top Chef to celebrate its 150th anniversary.

The theme was obviously Halloween based and the Glee actress is hosting a costume party for which the chef contestants must prepare food for.

In a preview of the show, Michele greets the contestants and announces how happy she is to be there.

She’ll be even happier once she samples the great vegetarian dishes the chefs will probably make to accommodate her diet.

If anyone knows how to throw a great costume party,  it’s the diva of high school herself Rachel Berry.

With the help of the cheftestants, it’s sure to be a great plant-based one.

The clip of the preview can be viewed  here.

Top Chef airs on Wednesdays at 10/9c on Bravo.

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