Quantcast Vegetarian StarPaul McCartney Rewards Crew With Vegetarian Lunch Order From UK Cafe

Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney knows how to reward his employees!

The singer-songwriter recently ordered a plethora of vegetarian food for his staff from UK’s Fortify Cafe in Maidstone, Kent.

Items on the ticket included 12 rounds of sandwiches, roasted peppers, hum­mus, falafel, frittatas, savoury bakes and brownies.

The establishment has received great reviews from online sites like Trip Advisor and Yelp. On its own site, there are images of multiple handwritten notes from very satisfied customers.

Fortify boasts an entirely vegetarian menu with several vegan options available.

Choose from a selection of breakfast sandwiches with veggie meat, lunch paninis, soups, salads and other main dishes.

Alcohol is served, but when it’s time to celebrate, try a unique twist and toast with a slice of chocolate guinness cake – a slice of moist chocolate goodness made with a vegetarian stout cream icing.

McCartney is known to require his crew on the road and backstage to eat vegetarian while working for him.

From the sound of the latest tab he picked up, he must be a great employer to work for.

Photo: Oli Gill/Creative Commons

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