Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Alicia Silverstone Pecan Pie

Alicia Silverstone

They always say dessert is the best part of the meal.

Alicia Silverstone has also proven that vegan dessert is the best part of the meal and her recipe for vegan pecan pie is included in a feature at Babble‘s 15 Celebrity Dessert Recipes.

There are many substitutes you can use for butter and eggs in a pastry and Silverstone’s choice is unique.

Four tablespoons of roasted sesame tahini provide the richness of butter and a thick consistency to help hold the pie’s filling together.

There’s no need to waste time preparing your own crust.

Just go out and buy an already made one that is whole wheat or made from graham crackers.

You’ll want to put this on your veggie Thanksgiving menu.

It’s sure to wow the omnivores.

Visit Babble for the recipe.

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