Quantcast Vegetarian StarJohn Salley Celebrates Florida Animal Rights With Vegan Wine

John Salley

John Salley will help celebrate the 25th anniversary of Alexander’s Animal Rights Foundation of Florida (ARFF) with a set of wines produced by a company he has ownership in.

The event tonight at one of Fort Lauderdale’s most renown vegan restaurants, Sublime, will feature a four course dinner complete with a choice of Salley vegan wines from The Vegan Vines.

Salley’s wines, like other vegan wines, are produced without the use of animal byproducts that are used in the clarification process of traditional wines. This can be any product from milk to an extract from fish bladder.

The former NBA basketball player said of his discovery of the wine making process:

“As both a vegan and wine lover, I was very surprised to learn about the use of animal products in the vinification process,” said Mr. Salley. “I had no idea.”

Guests at the event can choose from the 2012 Vegan Vine Sauvignon Blanc with an arugula salad from Sublime’s garden; the 2011 Vegan Vine Chardonnay with a house-made roasted butternut squash ravioli topped with toasted hazelnut and sage brown butter; the 2009 Vegan Vine Merlot with grilled cauliflower steaks and Yukon mashed potatoes; and the 2008 Vegan Vine Cabernet Sauvignon paired with poached pears in red wine served with homemade ice cream with vanilla sauce.

For more information about the event and tickets, visit Sublime Restaurant.

Photo: PR Photos

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