Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Hilaria Baldwin Almost Vegan Knocked Up Diet

Alec Baldwin Hilaria Thomas

“It’s a diet, but it’s not dieting. I ate the stuff I was eating before, just more quantity. So a lot of healthy whole grains, because folic acid is great for the baby’s brain development, vegetables, a lot of almonds and walnuts and I added fish to my diet — I’m normally a vegan. I wasn’t chowing down on doughnuts. A lot of people were like, ‘This is your time to eat sugar!’ I didn’t want to do that. It wasn’t healthy for me or for my baby. It’s not a vanity contest.”

Hilaria Baldwin, yoga guru to the stars who discussed how she stayed fit pre and post pregnant with Canada’s Metro. Hilaria’s response was to the question of whether or not she took up a “special knocked-up diet” to feel great during the event.

Photo: Joella  Marano/Creative Commons

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