Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Runner’s World Cookbook” From Runner’s World Magazine

Runner's World Cookbook

Whoever said athletes can’t be vegetarian has been proven wrong.

Whoever said athletes can’t eat delicious vegetarian food and still perform will once again be proven wrong with a new cookbook from Runner’s World magazine.

The magazine has been very favorable to the plant-based crowd and even featured an exclusive interview with Gene Baur, the president and co-founder of Farm Sanctuary.

The Runner’s World Cookbook is edited by Runner’s World nutrition editor, Joanna Golub and contains 150 recipes sourced from the publication that are intended to “maximize a runner’s performance and enhance nutritional benefits.”

Recipes in the book include those for dishes that are vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free. Each entree is labeled with the appropriate symbol (V, VE and GF respectively) that corresponds to which category it falls under.

In addition to symbols that indicate the nature of the ingredients in the dish, there are guides for eating according to your workout or fitness goal, such as recovery-friendly or low-calorie.

Thirty-three authors contributed to the selection, including food writers like New York Time’s Mark Bittman and vegan triathlete Brandon Brazier.

With ideas for soups, salads, sandwiches, burgers, pizza, pasta, wraps and more, there’s something for every athlete who wants to explore plant-based eating without giving up taste or physical fitness ability.

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