Quantcast Vegetarian StarPaul McCartney Bans Meat And Facebook On “Queenie Eye” Video Set

Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney has once again banned meat from his working environment.

Many employers have strict rules on the job and the singer and songwriter is no different, reports several sources on the web.

McCartney reportedly sent a Tweet banning several things on the set of his new video for “Queenie Eye,” including the tool used to send the memo.

A source for The Sun said:

“It was meant as a joke, but you would be out on your ear if you ignored the memo. Anyone found on Twitter, Facebook or nibbling a ham sandwich would be rejected immediately.”

Several high profile celebrities are banned from updating their statuses while on the set, including Johnny Depp and Sean Penn, both of which have cameos in the video.

Queenie Eye is a single from McCartney’s latest album, New, which is scheduled for release on October 14.

Photo: Oli Gill/Creative Commons

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