Quantcast Vegetarian StarMark Ronson Convinced By Paul McCartney Vegetarian Diet

Mark Ronson

Mark Ronson, music producer and DJ, can say he’s been touched by a vegetarian angel.

His experience working with famous ex Beatles Paul McCartney not only gave him a great opportunity to work with a legend, it also helped him eat better.

Ronson told Mojo magazine that during his time with McCartney, he was able to snack free if the meal was meat-free.

Ronson said:

“Did the experience (of working with McCartney) change me? Yes, it turned me into a vegetarian! I’m a (late night) studio rat, and if you ordered food at two in the morning it was free if it was veggie. Better than ordering a Nando’s. You have more energy, which you can see every day in Paul, he’s so driven.”

McCartney has been known for promoting and even demanding the musicians and staff he works with on tour eat vegetarian. He regularly requests that food during tours and on the road be completely vegetarian.

Ronson also posed in an anti-fur ad for PETA, making him a good candidate for the next animal-loving celebrity to go veg for them.

Photo: Chris Hakkens/Creative Commons

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