Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood “The Sound of Music” Poster Revealed

Carrie Underwood “The Sound of Music” Poster Revealed

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 17th, 2013 in Actresses, Female Singers, Film & TV.

The Sound of Music Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood looks great in the recently unveiled poster for The Sound of Music.

The vegetarian country music singer is making her acting debut in the NBC version about the popular 1965 movie that starred Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer.

NBC will show the three hour live staging of the show on December 5.

Scheduled to star alongside Underwood are several well-known actors and actresses, including Audra McDonald, Christian Borle and Laura Benati.

Underwood’s leading man in the series, Capt. Georg von Trapp, will be played by True Blood star Stephen Moyer.

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