Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Kristen Stewart Tortilla Soup

Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart has shared a recipe for one of her favorite dishes in the September issue of Vogue magazine.

Sometimes it’s fun to see how easy it is to vegify or veganize a recipe with one or two non veggie ingredients, and this tortilla soup featured in the “Vogue Eats Food Guide” of the popular fashion Bible is one kitchen experiment you’re guranteed to pass.

Stewart’s tortilla soup is already what some would call “meatless.” There are no ingredients for animal flesh.

However, the original recipe does call for chicken stock and shredded cheddar cheese, making it a no-no for both true vegetarians and vegans.

The answer to this solution is a simple–simply trade the poultry stock for any number vegetarian ones available on the shelf or make your own. If you really miss the cheese and are vegan, try a non-dairy brand like Daiya or something similar.

If you’re a protein buff, it’s easy to toss in a few cubes of tofu in each serving bowl, a can or two of beans in the pot or textured soy protein crumbles.

Grab the recipe Stewart’s tortilla soup at Handbag.

Photo: Richard Goldschmidt/Creative Commons

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