Quantcast Vegetarian StarRosanna Davison Is A PETA Vegan “Lady In Red”

Rosanna Davison Is A PETA Vegan “Lady In Red”

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 15th, 2013 in Food & Drink, Models.

Rosanna Davidson

Rosanna Davison has given an entire new meaning to her famous father Chris De Burgh’s romantic song “Lady in Red.”

The former Miss World has posed in advertisement promoting veganism for UK’s People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Reenacting the actress Mena Suvari’s famous poster for the classic film American Beauty, the ad replaces red roses with a bed of chili peppers.

Davison recently adopted a completely plant-based diet and wants everyone in the UK and the rest of the world to know that “Being Vegan is Red Hot.”

As a new vegan, she may be in need of a few recipes.

She jokingly Tweeted that the photo shoot gave her a few ingredients to begin with.

“Still have a few chillies sitting in my fridge, couldn’t think of enough recipes to use them all up!”

“Vegan meals aren’t just delicious – they’re free of animal fat and cholesterol, and they’re packed with vitamins,” Davidson said. “Going vegan is the best way to keep your heart healthy and your body looking great!”

The ad was shot by celebrity photographer Marc O’ Sullivan

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