Quantcast Vegetarian StarGeorge Bush Should Go Vegan To Prevent Future Heart Complications

Bush Obama Clinton

George Bush recently had a health scare when he was hospitalized for several days for heart related issues.

The former president needed to have a blocked artery opened, which came as a surprise to some, considering he is known for his slim physique and active lifestyle.

Despite the fact Bush can complete a 62-mile bike ride, he may be missing another key factor when it comes to heart health.

Looks like it’s time to take some direction from another former president, Bill Clinton, and start following a vegan diet. 

Like Bush, Clinton underwent several heart procedures before making the decision to adopt a plant-based diet on the advice of a few physicians.

A heart attack in 2004 was his first warning sign. He was later a patient for stents in 2010. Despite the procedures and diet changes, Clinton said he still had problem with plaque buildup in his arteries.

Bush was arguable one of the most memorable presidents in U.S. history and made news with several strides and accomplishments.

His duty doesn’t have to stop now that he’s out of office.

As Clinton told AARP, eating healthy can be one of the most patriotic things to do.

“The way we consume food and what we consume…we have to demand it by changing the way we live. You have to make a conscious decision to change for your own well-being, and that of your family and your country.”

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