Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Masterchef” USA Bri Kozior Discusses Proud Vegetarian Moment On Show

Bri Kozior Top Chef

Bri Kozior was the vegetarian who made some very meaty dishes on this season’s Masterchef.

She was eventually eliminated, but before going out, she had a chance to wow the judges and leave with a sense of pride knowing she won one particular contest with a plant-based dish.

In an interview with Carter, Kozior describes the more memorable moment.

“I’m definitely proud of my mushroom dish, when I won that one, because that was the first vegetarian dish that I got to cook for the judges. It was nice to finally have wild mushrooms and make them the star, and show everyone that I’m a vegetarian, and this is what I do every day and this is what I’m all about. To have the judges really appreciate that is something that affirms what you’re doing.”

Although she attempted to compete with several meat dishes on the show, Kozior admits that as a vegetarian, it’s not her strong point. She hasn’t had much practice eating or cooking such meals. The last time she brought meat into her otherwise vegetarian household, it was disaster.

“The closest I ever came was last September, I cooked a steak for my boyfriend, who is not a vegetarian. But it didn’t go so well. I unwrapped the wrapper and it was bleeding, and so I started crying. (Laughs.) I’ve come a long way!”

Read the entire interview here.

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