Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Serve To Win” Details Novak Djokovic Match Against Gluten

Novak Djokovic Serve to Win

Tennis champ Novak Djokovic has written a book about some sweeping changes he made to his diet on the advice of a physician who told him he had gluten intolerance.

Serve to Win: The 14-Day Gluten-Free Plan for Physical and Mental Excellence is not just filled with Djokovic’s stories about giving up wheat.

He also reveals a fondness for some plant-based proteins.

Shakes with pea protein help fuel him for matches, as well as eating lots of cashew butter. Dairy is also avoided.

While his lack of cheese and wheat consumption makes it difficult to still enjoy pizza at the family restaurant, there’s no shortage of vegan cheese and gluten-free flours and crusts to keep Djokovic or anyone else following a gluten-free diet from enjoy similar favorite foods.

The book contains a forward from Dr. William Davis, author of the #1 New York Times best seller, Wheat Belly.

Serve to Win: The 14-Day Gluten-Free Plan for Physical and Mental Excellence is available for pre-order and is set for release later this month.

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