Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlice Cooper Urges Meat For Better Rock and Roll

Alice Cooper

Alice Cooper is so unhappy with some affairs of the music industry, he’s blaming it on vegetarianism.

During an interview with Fuse, the rocker was asked if bands like Mumford & Sons and The Lumineers could be considered big names in modern rock.

Cooper disagrees, and if anyone thinks differently, he feels they should probably eat a steak.

“I just feel like this whole generation maybe need to all eat a steak,” Cooper said. “Maybe they just need to quit eating vegetarian food and get out there and get some blood pumping in their system.”

“Rock and roll is not about ‘Happy, happy, happy. Everything’s okay. We’re The Lumineers, let’s clog dance!'” Cooper said, adding that while the music the bands make is nice “it’s not rock and roll, don’t call it rock and roll.”

There are plenty of musicians who eat veg and still rock. Just ask some of the guys with AFI, Maroon 5, 30 Seconds to Mars, Asia, Aerosmith, and the Goo Goo Dolls.

Cooper uses enough fake blood during his shows.

There’s no need to add the real stuff from animal flesh.

Photo: Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons

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2 Responses to “Alice Cooper Urges Meat For Better Rock and Roll”

  1. AliceWho Says:

    Geezer Butler – Black Sabbath
    Anthony Kiedis – Red Hot Chili Peppers


  2. Virgo Says:

    So by his flawed logic, Kirk Hammett, lead guitarist of Metallica, needs to eat a bloody steak to be more metal? Yeah, okay…

    What an idiot. Alice Cooper has been around a long time and has seen a lot in his years, but he also proves that age and wisdom really don’t go hand in hand.