Quantcast Vegetarian StarMary McCartney Shares Food Favorites And Tips

Mary McCartney Shares Food Favorites And Tips

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 15th, 2013 in Authors, Food & Drink.

Mary McCartney

Mary McCartney has a not so vegetarian earlier memory of eating snails in France with the family.

Thankfully, that moment was replaced by many more with her mother in the kitchen preparing plant-based meals like vegetable soup.

“I’d watch her make a cream of tomato soup, when the tomatoes were at their plumpest,” she told The Independent.

“She’d add onions and mushrooms and blend them all together into this gorgeous hearty soup. I can still remember the beautiful smells.”

Mary has taken a moment to share a few other memories, as well as cooking tips with the paper.

Although she is a vegetarian, she doesn’t exclusively patronize vegetarian restaurants.

Her favorite guilt food are the traditional British chips with lots of salt and vinegar.

And if you want to cook any of the recipes from her latest cookbook, Food, you might want to pick up a thermometer because it “gives you greater confidence” that you won’t burn the dish.

Read more tips and favorites from Mary at The Independent.

Photo: PR Photos

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