Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichelle Obama Kids State Dinner Winners Include Veg Indian-Americans


The winners in each state for Michelle Obama‘s Healthy Lunchtime Challenge will be joining her and White House staff on July 9 for the second annual kids state dinner.

The goal of the contest was to encourage kids and their families to submit healthy recipes and it’s no surprise there were several vegetarian and vegan winners.

Indian food is known for being heavily plant-based and five Indian-American children were winners for this year’s dinner.

All recipes aren’t entirely traditional of Indian cuisine, but some, such as Ganesh Selvakumar’s Lentil Spinach Soup and Mint Chutney have hints of the spices and herbs used in the ethnic food.

The other four recipes also sound plant-based, such as the Kickin, Colourful, Bell Peppers stuffed with Quinoa from Anisha Patel and the Slam Dunk Veggie Burger from Devanshi Udeshi.

A good portion of India’s residents are vegetarian and if you’re lucky enough to visit a restaurant serving such food, you know the same tastes have been duplicated in the U.S. with dishes like samosas, curries and various flavored rices.

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