Quantcast Vegetarian StarDavid Backes of NHL St. Louis Blues Visits Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

David Backes Best Friends Sanctuary

David Backes, captain of the St. Louis Blues, and his wife Kelly celebrated their fifth anniversary by visiting the nation’s largest no-kill animal shelter, Best Friends Animal Sanctuary.

The visit seemed perfect for the couple that is very active in animal rescue and animal welfare in their home in Missouri.

The Backes spent their day caring for some of the 1,700 animals that make the sanctuary their home. They played with kittens, helped with chores in the dog building and walked a special needs older dog that was recovering from surgery.

David even performed the less than glamorous chore of picking up dog poo, saying: “I’m a pro at that. We have plenty of practice with our own four dogs at home.”

“The only way to save the lives of the millions of animals in shelters is to focus on the big picture, to fix the problems of why animals are going into the shelters,” he said.

The Best Friends Animal Sanctuary sits on more than 3,700 acres in southern Utah’s scenic red rock canyon country. It is owned and operated by the national animal welfare organization Best Friends Animal Society.

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