Quantcast Vegetarian StarHugh Jackman “Wolverine” Diet Makes Him Want To Give Back To Animals

Men's Health

There are plenty of well established reasons why people go vegan–undercover farm investigations, health, environment.

Now you may be able to add “carnivorous overeating” to the list of motivations for adopting a plant-based diet.

Hugh Jackman is featured in the August 2013 issue of Men’s Health, where he shares his workout secrets for getting The Wolverine body, as well as how he feels about the food he consumed to get in shape for the film.

The excessive amount of animal protein has already made him want to restrict his red meat intake.

Now he feels a vegan diet is necessary just to say “I’m sorry” to the hundreds of animals he consumed.

“I eat one steak a day minimum. Now I don’t know any doctors recommending a 12oz steak every day. I’m pretty sure that’s not good. And my carbon footprint is disgusting,” Jackman told Men’s Health.

“Still, I think after this film I need to be vegan for a while, just as my way of giving back to the animals.”

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