Quantcast Vegetarian StarIsabelle Cornish Wins Australia’s Sexiest Vegetarian

Isabelle Cornish Wins Australia’s Sexiest Vegetarian

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 21st, 2013 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

Isabelle Cornish

Isabelle Cornish has been crowned Australia’s Sexiest Vegetarian for 2013.

The Puberty Blues actress has been quite vocal in her beliefs about a plant-based diet and has even asked producers on the set of her hit show to occasionally make accommodations for it.

During a scene where she was asked to eat an meat pie on a beach, Isabelle ate a vegetarian version of the classic Australian dish.

“I was brought up on a property surrounded by animals,” said Isabelle. “I learned about their soft nature, and how loving and beautiful they are.”

“Eating animals is not a necessary part of our diet, and I choose not to consume beings that deserve to live a life.”

“Going vegetarian is the easiest thing you can do to help animals. You reduce your carbon footprint, and your body rewards you for it, inside and out.”

Isabelle’s sister, Abbie Cornish, is also famous for both her diet and her screen talent.

Isabelle beat several other well known Australian vegetarians, including Missy Higgins, John Butler, Sophie Monk, Isabel Lucas and Xavier Rudd in a poll conducted by the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Photo: Eva Rinaldi/Creative Commons

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