Quantcast Vegetarian StarBill Clinton Diet Secret Revealed By “Bloomberg Businessweek” (Video)

At age 66, Bill Clinton could not be healthier.

In a video posted by Bloomberg Businesweek, editor Josh Tyrangiel discussed Bill Clinton’s role as ‘Consultant-in-Chief’ and what’s been keeping him look so go while doing the part.

“We did a photo shoot with him. He walks in–and he still has the ability to change the temperature of any room he walks into. And I said to his guy, “You know, he looks fantastic. How are you keeping him in shape?” And he said “kale.”

Actually, it takes a little more than that to keep a Clinton going.

The former president told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer he lives on “beans, legumes, vegetables, fruit,” in addition to the protein supplement shakes he makes with almond instead of cow’s milk.

If a company could hire Clinton as a business consultant, at least it would get some good advice on keeping employees fed well.

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