Quantcast Vegetarian StarMyq Kaplan Releases New Digital Album “Meat Robot”

Myq Kaplan Releases New Digital Album “Meat Robot”

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 12th, 2013 in Comedians, Food & Drink.

Myq Kaplan Meat Robot

Myq Kaplan, comedian known for weaving vegan references in his stand up routines, has released another album.

Meat Robot was released yesterday and was inspired partially by Kaplan’s love of faux meat.

According to Broadway World, Meat Robot features Kaplan covering topics such as, “his grandmother’s attempts to make grammar fun, how to avoid being axe-murdered and his love for fake meat names.”

Although Kaplan frequently uses vegan humor in routines, he rarely is preachy about it.

He said:

“If people ask me questions, I answer them. I generally try not to force the issue at all, but if people are curious, I like providing reasonable amounts of information.”

And the veggie humor is sure to be enjoyed by all eaters.

Who doesn’t laugh about looking at the menu, contemplating and thinking, “If a duckling is a small duck, you want to steer clear of the “dumplings.””?

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