Quantcast Vegetarian StarAedin Mincks Of “A.N.T. Farm” Is A Confident Vegetarian

Aedin Mincks

Aedin Mincks plays a musical prodigy Angus Chesnut on the Disney Channel television series A.N.T. Farm.

Although he agrees he and his character are both confident adolescents, he admits he doesn’t share all of the traits of Angus, as he’s no computer whiz yet and still struggles with Social Media.

“Angus is a funny character,” he told BSC Kids. “He is a computer genius and he is really confident and loves the ladies.”

“I am not a computer whiz by any means. I am still learning how to do all of the social media stuff. I am however, pretty confident like Angus, I don’t really worry about what other people think. I don’t let things like that affect me.”

The one area he has mastered is healthy living.

He eats mostly vegetarian and enjoys cooking, staying away from refined sugar and processed foods.

Mincks stays active by playing sports like skateboarding, swimming and archery.

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