Quantcast Vegetarian StarChipotle Expand Tofu Burrito Filling To More Restaurants

Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc. is continuing a test of its latest vegetarian taco and burrito filling by expanding the offering to all 96 of its Northern California restaurants.

The sofrita–a burrito made from shredded tofu–was a favorite in seven California Chipotle restaurants and company officials are hoping the trend will grow in the entire region.

“We are so excited to be able to offer something new to accommodate our vegetarian and vegan clientele — and we believe that once other customers taste it, its deliciousness will speak for itself,” founder and co-chair executive Steve Ells said in a press statement.

Officials stress that the sofrita has not gained a permanent position on any of Chipotle’s menu yet. A previous attempt to expand plant-based options with Gardein protein failed.

Chipotle has a total of 1,400 chains across the country.

Photo: tacvbo/Creative Commons

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