Quantcast Vegetarian StarRicha Chadda Plays Role Of Fake Chicken Eater

Richa Chadda Plays Role Of Fake Chicken Eater

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 22nd, 2013 in Actresses, Bollywood, Film & TV, Food & Drink.

Richa Chadda

Richa Chadda knows how to play any part.

Except the part of the meat eater on screen.

The Bollywood actress was shooting a scene for film that required she eat a product that at least looked like chicken.

But vegetarian Chadda and the producer’s found a tasty and creative way to change the script.

“Richa was supposed to gorge on chicken tikkas in one of the sequences. But the actress is a strict vegetarian and the crew had to arranged for soya nuggets made to look like cooked meat,” a source said.

“There was no question of us asking her to eat chicken. The soya was cooked so that it looked just like real chicken.”

Chadda has said of her decision to go vegetarian:

“I love animals and I feel a vegetarian diet is the best for any human being.”

Photo: http://www.bollywoodhungama.com/Creative Commons

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