Wayne Pacelle of Humane Society On Ag-Gag Laws In “Businessweek”
Written by Vegetarian Star on April 18th, 2013 in Animal Issues, Business.
Wayne Pacelle, CEO of the Humane Society of the United States is featured in Bloomberg’s Businessweek.
Animal welfare is not only a compassionate business, it’s also a business of wealth, as the renown magazine notes the HSUS is the nation’s largest animal-welfare organization with an annual budget of $160 budget, receiving support from over a million donors.
Pacelle discussed the issues of farming, undercover investigations and pets.
He obviously has strong feelings regarding the ag-gag laws that many states are attempting to pass that would make it illegal to film activity in farms without the owner’s permission.
Pacelle said:
“That’s aimed at us. We did probably the most famous undercover investigations in the animal-welfare field, at Hallmark Meat Packing Co. in California. This was the No. 2 supplier to the national school-lunch program. That led to the shutdown of the plant and to the largest meat recall in the country. When we’ve been successful with a tactic or a strategy, there has been an attempt to take the legs out from under us.”
Read more at Businessweek.
Photo: PR Photos
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