Quantcast Vegetarian StarThandie Newton Is Superhero For Environment

Thandie Newton

Thandie Newton recently discussed her first major TV role as a detective Grace Travis in Rogue.

Newton considers her character as a regular woman who happens to be extraordinary because of her work in making the world around her a better place.

“In an age when we’re dealing with superheroes all the time in movies, I really enjoy trying to find those superheroes who are just among us,” Newton said.

The actress does her part in playing superhero through charitable work with various organizations and being and advocate for the environment.

She is passionate about sharing her views about factory farms and the impact of the consumption of meat on the planet.

“I’m a vegetarian myself. It’s not so much about the animals. I don’t want any kind of suffering of any living form but it’s more to do with the awareness that so much of the meat on the planet is being produced by factory farms. Animals are being pumped full of growth hormones which are then getting fed to our kids. And it’s affecting the water, environment.”

Photo: Ministry of Stones/Creative Commons

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