Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichelle Obama Requests Recipes For 2nd White House Kids State Dinner (Video)

White House Kids State Dinner

Michelle Obama is once again inviting children and their parents from across the United States to submit their favorite healthy recipes for a chance to attend the second annual Kids State Dinner.

Last year, many vegetarian and vegan recipes like vegan sloppy joes made the final cut, and were placed in a cookbook published by Epicurious.com.

Between now and May 12, participants aged 8-12 and their parents can submit recipes online at recipechallenge.epicurious.com or mail them to “The Healthy Lunchtime Challenge, c/o Epicurious.com,” 1166 Avenue of the Americas, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10036.

Winners will be chosen based on several criteria, including nutritional value of the dish, taste, creativity, affordability and the personal story behind the recipe. The most weight will be given to nutritional value, and the dish should incorporate the USDA’s MyPlate Guidelines, which have recently expanded to encourage vegetarian eating. Winners will be notified at the end of June.

Planning for a children’s state dinner is no less hectic than preparing for a group of diplomats.

Watch the clip below to get a behind the scenes look at how White House chefs prepared the menu for last year’s Kids State Dinner.

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