Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Crazy Sexy Kitchen” Recipe Developer Offers “Crazy Sexy Kale”

Crazy Sexy Kitchen

Chris Sarno is the chef behind the vegan recipes in Kris Carr‘s Crazy Sexy Kitchen cookbook.

“I have a true appreciation for greens,” said Sarno, who happens to be an educator for the Whole Foods Health Starts Here program which teaches people the value of good food as preventative medicine.

“If there’s one green he’s crazy about, it’s has to be kale,” Sarno said.

He found eliminating dairy from his diet improved his asthma symptoms.

When it comes to teaching the basics of healthy cooking, what does he recommend?

“Shop in bulk. Buy seasonal. Buy local. Simple scratch cooking. When you’re working with bold, fresh flavors, making clean vegetarian food, eating real food, you can’t go wrong.”

And of course, you can’t go wrong with kale.

Grab the recipe for Sarno’s Crazy Sexy Kale recipe at the Huffington Post.

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