Quantcast Vegetarian StarLeanne Mai-ly Hilgert Gives Career Advice For The Vegan And Everyone Else

Leanne Hilgart

Leanne Mai-ly Hilgart is the founder and brains behind vegan clothing company Vaute Couture.

But the fashion designer could just as well serve as a career counselor or coach.

Hilgart has a guest article in VegNews where she discusses some of her favorite quotes and inspiration for success.

In “5 Tips for Making Your Career Dreams Come True,” Hilgart explains that negative thought patterns are sometimes more responsible for failure than an uninterested market.

Hilgart writes:

“My all-time favorite book is The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. He starts out by saying, “Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us.” Pressfield personifies the self-sabotage that people feel during any project they are meant to do, calling it Resistance. And man, do I feel it. Resistance will try to keep me from doing my work by telling me all kinds of lies. It told me that there was no market for vegan coats, that I should first work in apparel for five years before starting my own company, and that I should just watch Ellen in bed. Most of all, it would make me feel guilty for not having done more yesterday. Knowing that this is normal and what to expect from someone sabotaging you who knows you so well (yourself) has made all the difference to me in starting and growing my company.”

Determine which of Hilgart’s suggested reading materials is best for you and your current professional exploration at VegNews.

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