Quantcast Vegetarian StarCathy Baron Says Meat And Milk Never “Justified”

Cathy Baron

Cathy Baron, known for her role in FX’s Justified is a vegan who’s recently used her Nutrition degree to offer some advice in an app named LifeKraze.

Baron recently offered her expertise on the topics of soy and meat to Starpulse.

There are many myths about vegan foods, including soy.

For instance, will it give you man boobs?

Baron said:

“This is not true. Now some people are allergic to soy and shouldn ‘t be eating it. Soy is also an additive in many processed foods, and it’s not healthy eaten in that way. If you read a study that discusses negative side effects of soy, check to see if it was funded by the meat industry. Okinawans are in a blue zone and consume 60-120 grams of soy protein per day. They have the longest, healthiest lives of any population on the planet.”

And what about the notion that milk is good for building strong bones?

“Not true! Humans are not actually built to be consuming cow’s milk, which is why a lot of people are lactose intolerant,” she explained. “There is no proof that we need milk for strong bones, only proof that we require calcium to be healthy. Other sources of calcium that are healthy are bok choy, broccoli, collards, kale, and okra. Any dark green leafy vegetable will be a great source of calcium.”

Learn more vegan nutrition tips from Baron at LifeKraze.

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