Quantcast Vegetarian StarMartha Stewart Talks French Bulldog Rescue On Blog

Martha Stewart Talks French Bulldog Rescue On Blog

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 21st, 2013 in Animal Issues, Chefs.

Martha Stewart has taken to her blog to write about the love of her two French bulldogs and a bulldog rescue organization, French Bulldog Village.

Writes Martha:

“Francesca and Sharkey, my two French bulldogs, came from Suzanne Readmond of Just Us Dogs, a wonderful breeder in Maryland. Suzanne recently told me that she is the president of a small French bulldog rescue group called French Bulldog Village. Just last weekend, they took in eleven neglected Frenchie girls, whose breeder could no longer care for them. I asked Suzanne to tell us about the Village.”

French Bulldog Village is a 501-c that works to rescue French Bulldogs and mixes throughout the state of Virginia.

“We place our dogs in loving foster homes with families that are knowledgeable about the breed,” writes Readmond of Just Us Dogs and French Bulldog Village.

The post contains several pictures of dogs taken in by French Bulldog, including the appropriately pro-vegetarian mascot, Broccoli, who believes a “pedicure would be a dream.”

French Bulldog Village

View more photos of French Bulldogs taken in and learn more about French Bulldog Village at TheMarthaBlog.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Martha Stewart Talks French Bulldog Rescue On Blog”

  1. Sarah Says:

    I’m glad she is talking about a rescue center like this. More celebrities need to talk about them, we need to adopt more dogs!!! They are so loving and need a home 🙂