Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone Animal Friendly Passover And Easter Tips

Alicia Silverstone Animal Friendly Passover And Easter Tips

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 21st, 2013 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

Alicia Silverstone

Alicia Silverstone has shared her ideas for an animal friendly Passover and Easter.

Alicia writes on The Kind Life:

“Last year I got thinking about the similarities between the Passover and Easter traditions. Jewish people search their homes for leaven before Passover starts to get it out of the house (since chametz or “leavening” isn’t allowed in the house during Passover). Christians celebrate Easter by searching for eggs (the egg is seen as a sign of renewed life or resurrected life by breaking out of it, relating to Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday). So both holidays have this tradition of searching…”

One of the best ways to celebrate a more animal friendly Easter is to use fake or plastic eggs versus real ones.

Unless your eggs come from the chickens that walk around in your backyard, they were probably sourced from hens sitting in cramped conditions in factory farms.

And there are dozens of traditional Passover foods that can easily be made vegan.

Read all of Alicia’s kinder Easter and Passover tips at The Kind Life.

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