Quantcast Vegetarian StarRuss Irwin Of Aerosmith Rocks Vegan (Video)

Russ Irwin has been a backup vocalist and keyboardist for the rock group Aerosmith for years.

Irvin has eaten vegan for the past year and a half and has taken the time to record a pro-vegetarian ad for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

“First thing that happen when I made the switch–I lost a lot of weight,” Irwin says in the video.

“I just felt lighter. I felt healthier. I felt better.”

“There’s so many benefits to not eating meat, globally and personally,” Irwin continues adding that people who go veg are putting less toxins in their bodies and the environment.

He discusses the link between dairy diseases like cancer.

And of course, a vegan diet has tremendous benefits to the millions of animals used for food every year.

Irwin admits to going vegan pretty quickly after adopting his dog Rocky, who is seen in the video.

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