Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood “Guardian” Interview Covers Vegetarianism

Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood gave The Guardian a few minutes of her time in an interviewed filled with interesting facts about her vegetarian, pro-animal and eco-conscious lifestyle.

Growing up on a farm in Oklahoma, Underwood observed that her parents’ cows got a little “separation anxiety” before being sold, one of the many reasons why she chose to stop eating meat.

This was combined with learning how cows are castrated and the reality they would eventually be eaten and the decision to go vegetarian was sealed.

A few more highlights from the interview:

You were raised on a farm. Did you have to help out with the animals?
When I was needed, but I wasn’t waking up at 4am. We only had cows. They weren’t milk cows, it was cattle. There were many times when the fence would be down and the cows always got out when Dad was gone. Mum and I would have to go and get them back in.

Eating a beefburger or never singing again: which would you chose?
[Looks horrified] Oh no. One beefburger? I don’t know. I can’t imagine myself ever being put in that situation. Can it just be a bite? Maybe I could do that. Maybe. But I’d feel really bad about it.

Read the entire interview at The Guardian.

Photo: Keith Hinkle/Creative Commons

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