Quantcast Vegetarian StarBeyonce Eats One Vegan Meal A Day Says Trainer Marco Borges

Beyonce Eats One Vegan Meal A Day Says Trainer Marco Borges

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 18th, 2013 in Female Singers, Food & Drink.

Beyonce Knowles

Beyonce lost 57 pounds after the birth of her daughter Blue Ivy.

Her trainer, celebrity trainer Marco Borges, has revealed some of her secrets for looking great at her Superbowl halftime performance, which includes eating a least one vegan meal a day.

Borges said doing so encourages people to get more greens in their diet.

Beyonce is said to eat the high-protein soy product edamame, along with a green apple or cucumbers sprinkled with vinegar, cayenne pepper and lemon.

Borges is no stranger to recommending vegan food for great looks and great health. He created his own line of vegan protein bars–22 Days–based on the idea that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit.

Photo: Tony Duran/Creative Commons

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