Quantcast Vegetarian StarMaggie Q Fights Climate Change In PETA Ad (Video)

Maggie Q PETA Climate Change

Maggie Q has the weight of the world on her–literally.

In a new ad for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Maggie appears in what is either a body wrap or a paint job of the earth around her body.

“Fight Climate Change With Diet Change: Go Veg,” reads the ad that pleads all of Maggie’s fans to do the same as the vegetarian actress does.

From PETA:

“Raising animals for food damages the environment. Whether it’s the overuse of resources, fossil-fuel emissions, massive water and air pollution, or soil erosion, the meat and dairy industry is wreaking havoc on the Earth. In addition, the billions of animals raised on factory farms are forced to endure extremely stressful conditions, often crammed into spaces barely bigger than their bodies. They are fed drugs to make them grow at an unnatural rate before they are transported in all weather extremes to slaughterhouses, where they will die slowly and painfully.”

Watch the short interview and behind the scenes shot of Maggie and PETA below.

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